Словарь санскрита

Русско-санскритский словарь / русско-санскритский словарь.
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कृष्ण /kṛṣṇa/
1. чёрный, тёмный
2. /kṛṣṇa/ m.
1) чёрная антилопа
2) тёмная половина месяца (от полнолуния до новолуния)
3) nom. pr. Кришна (один из главнейших богов индуистского пантеона, восьмое воплощение Вишну)

Adj., m./n./f.

Nom.kṛṣṇaḥ, kṛṣṇaḥkṛṣṇau, kṛṣṇaukṛṣṇāḥ, kṛṣṇāḥ
Gen.kṛṣṇasya, kṛṣṇasyakṛṣṇayoḥ, kṛṣṇayoḥkṛṣṇānām, kṛṣṇānām
Dat.kṛṣṇāya, kṛṣṇāyakṛṣṇābhyām, kṛṣṇābhyāmkṛṣṇebhyaḥ, kṛṣṇebhyaḥ
Instr.kṛṣṇena, kṛṣṇenakṛṣṇābhyām, kṛṣṇābhyāmkṛṣṇaiḥ, kṛṣṇaiḥ
Acc.kṛṣṇam, kṛṣṇamkṛṣṇau, kṛṣṇaukṛṣṇān, kṛṣṇān
Abl.kṛṣṇāt, kṛṣṇātkṛṣṇābhyām, kṛṣṇābhyāmkṛṣṇebhyaḥ, kṛṣṇebhyaḥ
Loc.kṛṣṇe, kṛṣṇekṛṣṇayoḥ, kṛṣṇayoḥkṛṣṇeṣu, kṛṣṇeṣu
Voc.kṛṣṇa, kṛṣṇakṛṣṇau, kṛṣṇaukṛṣṇāḥ, kṛṣṇāḥ



существительное, м.р.


Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary

कृष्ण [ kṛṣṇa ] [ kṛṣṇá ]1 m. f. n. black , dark , dark-blue opposed to [ śvetá ] , [ śuklá ] , [ róhita ] , and [ aruṇá ] ) Lit. RV. Lit. AV.

wicked , evil Lit. Vop. vii , 82

[ kṛṣṇa m. ( with or without [ pakṣa ] ) the dark half of the lunar month from full to new moon Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Bhag. Lit. Suśr.

the fourth or Kali-yuga Lit. L.

black (the colour) or dark-blue (which is often confounded with black by the Hindūs) Lit. L.

the antelope Lit. RV. x , 94 , 5 Lit. VS. Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. BhP.

a kind of animal feeding on carrion Lit. AV. xi , 2 , 2 ( [ kṛṣṇá ] )

the Indian cuckoo or Kokila ( cf. Lit. R. ii , 52 , 2) Lit. L.

a crow Lit. L.

Carissa Carandas Lit. L.

N. of one of the poets of the Lit. RV. (descended from Aṅgiras) Lit. RV. viii , 85 , 3 and 4 Lit. ŚāṅkhBr. xxx , 9

(a son of Devakī and pupil of Ghora Āṅgirasa) Lit. ChUp. iii , 17 , 6

N. of a celebrated Avatār of the god Vishṇu , or sometimes identified with Vishṇu himself ( ( Lit. MBh. v , 2563 ; xiv , 1589 ff. Lit. Hariv. 2359 ) ) as distinct from his ten Avatārs or incarnations ( in the earlier legends he appears as a great hero and teacher ( Lit. MBh. Lit. Bhag. ) ; in the more recent he is deified , and is often represented as a young and amorous shepherd with flowing hair and a flute in his hand the following are a few particulars of his birth and history as related in Lit. Hariv. 3304 ff. and in the Purāṇas : Vasu-deva , who was a descendant of Yadu and Yayāti , had two wives , Rohiṇī and Devakī ; the latter had eight sons of whom the eighth was Kṛishṇa ; Kaṃsa , king of Mathurā and cousin of Devakī , was informed by a prediction that one of these sons would kill him ; he therefore kept Vasu-deva and his wife in confinement , and slew their first six children ; the seventh was Balarāma who was saved by being abstracted from the womb of Devakī and transferred to that of Rohiṇī ; the eighth was Kṛishṇa who was born with black skin and a peculiar mark on his breast ; his father Vasu-deva managed to escape from Mathurā with the child , and favoured by the gods found a herdsman named Nanda whose wife Yaśo-dā had just been delivered of a son which Vasu-deva conveyed to Devakī after substituting his own in its place. Nanda with his wife Yaśo-dā took the infant Kṛishṇa and settled first in Gokula or Vraja , and afterwards in Vṛindāvana , where Kṛishṇa and Bala-rāma grew up together , roaming in the woods and joining in the sports of the herdsmen's sons Kṛishṇa as a youth contested the sovereignty of Indra , and was victorious over that god , who descended from heaven to praise Kṛishṇa , and made him lord over the cattle ( Lit. Hariv. 3787 ff. ; 7456 ff. Lit. VP. ) ; Kṛishṇa is described as sporting constantly with the Gopīs or shepherdesses ( Lit. Hariv. 4078 ff. ; 8301 ff. Lit. VP. Lit. Gīt. ) of whom a thousand became his wives , though only eight are specified , Rādhā being the favourite ( Lit. Hariv. 6694 ff. ; 9177 ff. Lit. VP. ) ; Kṛishṇa built and fortified a city called Dvārakā in Gujarāt , and thither transported the inhabitants of Mathurā after killing Kaṃsa ; Kṛishṇa had various wives besides the Gopīs , and by Rukmiṇī had a son Pradyumna who is usually identified with Kāma-deva ; with Jains , Kṛishṇa is one of the nine black Vasu-devas ; with Buddhists he is the chief of the black demons , who are the enemies of Buddha and the white demons) ( 306,2 )

N. of an attendant in Skanda's retinue Lit. MBh. ix , 2559

of an Asura Lit. Hariv. 12936 Lit. Sāy. on Lit. RV. i , 101 , 1

of a king of the Nāgas Lit. MBh. ii , 360 Lit. DivyA7v. ii

of Arjuna (the most renowned of the Pāṇḍu princes , so named apparently from his colour as a child) Lit. MBh. iv , 1389

of Vyāsa Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. 11089

of Hārita see [ -hārita ]

of a son of Śuka by Pīvarī (teacher of the Yoga) Lit. Hariv. 980 ff.

of a pupil of Bharad-vāja Lit. Kathās. vii , 15

of Havir-dhāna Lit. Hariv. 83 Lit. VP. Lit. BhP. iv , 24 , 8

of a son of Arjuna Lit. Hariv. 1892

of an adopted son of A-samañjas , Lit. 2039

of a chief of the Andhras Lit. VP.

of the author of a Comm. on the Lit. MBh.

of a poet

of the author of a Comm. on the Dayā-bhāga

of the son of Keśavârka and grandson of Jayâditya

of the father of Tāna-bhaṭṭa and uncle of Raṅga-nātha

of the father of Dāmôdara and uncle of Malhaṇa

of the father of Prabhūjīka and uncle of Vidyā-dhara

of the father of Madana

of the grammarian Rāma-candra

of the son of Vāruṇêndra and father of Lakshmaṇa

of the father of Hīra-bhaṭṭa (author of the Comm. called Carakabhāshya , and of the work Sāhitya-sudhā-samudra)

N. of a hell Lit. VP.

[ kṛṣṇau m. du. Kṛishṇa and Arjuna Lit. MBh. i , 8287 ; iii , 8279

[ kṛṣṇa m. pl. N. of the Śūdras in Śālmala-dvīpa Lit. VP.

[ kṛṣṇā f. a kind of leech Lit. Suśr.

a kind of venomous insect Lit. ib.

N. of several plants (Piper longum Lit. L. ; the Indigo plant Lit. L. ; a grape Lit. L. ; a Punar-navā with dark blossoms Lit. L. ; Gmelina arborea Lit. L. ; Nigella indica Lit. L. ; Sinapis ramosa Lit. L. ; Vernonia anthelminthica Lit. L. ; = [ kākolī ] Lit. L. ; a sort of Sārivā Lit. L.) Lit. Suśr.

a kind of perfume (= [ parpaṭī ] ) Lit. Bhpr.

N. of Draupadī Lit. MBh.

of Durgā Lit. MBh. iv , 184

of one of the seven tongues of fire Lit. L. Sch.

of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue Lit. MBh. ix , 2640

of a Yoginī Lit. Hcat.

with or without [ gaṅgā ] ) N. of the river Kistna Lit. MBh. xiii , 4888 Lit. PadmaP. Lit. NārP.

[ kṛṣṇī f. night Lit. RV. vii , 71 , 1

[ kṛṣṇa n. blackness , darkness , Lit. i , 123 , 1 and 9

m. the black part of the eye Lit. ŚBr. x , xii , xiii , xiv Lit. Suśr.

the black spots in the moon Lit. TBr. i , 2 , 1 , 2

a kind of demon or spirit of darkness Lit. RV. iv , 16 , 13

black pepper Lit. L.

black Agallochum Lit. L.

iron Lit. L.

lead Lit. L.

antimony Lit. L.

blue vitriol Lit. L.

( ( cf. [ kā́rṣṇa ] , ; cf. also Russ. (c8ernyi) , " black. " ) )


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